DNA Health Analysis

Sale price£2,499.00

  • Understand how over 230 pharmaceuticals work in your body. This will enable you to avoid side effects from medications and improve the efficacy and overall outcome
  • Learn your genetic risk towards 4 prevalent cancers (skin, lung, breast & colon). Understand prevention measures and the drugs which will be most compatible with your body
  • Discover your risk for 16 genetic diseases, (including cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and bone health). Receive therapeutic nutritional interventions and drug compatibility for each disease


How to process works

1. Ship Test Kit

We send you a saliva test kit to your nominated address

2. Take Sample

Use the swab provided in kit and sign paperwork provided in kit

3. Ship Sample To Lab

The address is posted on the box. Please note you will need to pay for this shipping as it is country dependent.

4. Digital Reports

Receive results digitally within 1-3 weeks.

5. Products Arrive

Your personalised products arrive 3-6 weeks after purchase. After the first test you can reorder products directly.


Our customer support is available Monday to Friday: 8am-8:30pm.Average answer time: 24h